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Friday, May 13, 2011

potensi komoditi padi Kalbar dalam perekonomian regional Kalimantan

Potensi Komoditas Padi dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Regional
Propinsi Kalimantan Barat di Wilayah Kalimantan (Periode 1993 – 2001)

The Potential of Paddy Commodity on Regional Economics Growth
Of West Kalimantan Province in Kalimantan Region (Period: 1993 – 2001)

Heronimus Hero
Program Studi Magister Ekonomika Pembangunan
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada


This research attempt to identified the potential of some food crop commodities specially paddy on regional economics growth of West Kalimantan province in term of Kalimantan region. The production value data was used to measured the performance, basic potentiality, and the excellent degree of paddy and others commodities, in 1993 - 2001 time period.
Some model such as classic Shift-share, Location Quotient (LQ), Growth Ratio Model (MRP), and Overlay was used in this research. The research compares the production value of the commodities between West Kalimantan province and among other provinces within Kalimantan region as a whole.
The result found that : (1) the paddy commodity has a good performance during the 1993 – 2001 period. The performance was showed by the positive value of regional growth effect, industry mix effect, and the competitive excellent effect; (2) According to LQ analysis, paddy is a basic commodity. It mean that West Kalimantan has more specialized in paddy commodity than other province in Kalimantan region, and it able to fulfill the paddy needs in local and export market; (3) The paddy commodity may become a mainstay commodity for the next regional economic development plan in West Kalimantan Province. Because it has a high contribution and high growth for regional economics of West Kalimantan province.

Key words : regional economics, production value, food crop commodities, Kalimantan region, mainstay commodity.

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